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I-PAR-4: Cartography of available AI training offer

Experiment Description

In this service, DIGIHALL (Systematic) collected data relating to available AI training offers at both regional and national levels in order to give companies access to relevant information checked by its AI experts. Regional AI experts were made aware of other AI training resources such as those currently offered by other DIHs in the DIH4AI network as the basis for a future cross-DIH experiment dealing with AI skills and knowledge. The overall objective was to give SMEs access to resources data on AI skills and training available at regional  and national level verified by AI experts with a window on existing European training resources.

List Title


The experiment successfully achieved its goal of raising awareness among SMEs about the existing training resources in AI. It effectively facilitated access to this type of information, ensuring that small and medium-sized enterprises were well-informed about the various AI training opportunities available to them. This initiative played a crucial role in bridging the knowledge gap in AI for SMEs, making it easier for them to find and utilize relevant training resources to enhance their capabilities in this rapidly evolving field. As a result, SMEs are now better equipped to integrate AI into their business processes, thanks to improved access to and awareness of AI training tools and resources.

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