I-PAR-1: Testing AI maturity assessment tools with SMEs
Experiment Description
DIGIHALL identifIED relevant and existing assessment tools at both regional and national levels especially those targeting SMEs and seeking to measure SMEs AI maturity level but also more largely their digital maturity .An internal benchmark was performed in order to have a picture of the situation and to draw the main advantages of these assessment tools. Particular attention was paid to their ease of use, cost if applicable, time needed to fill them in and usefulness of recommentations for SMEs. Based on this analysis, and in a second stage DIGIHALL found volunteer SMEs willing to test the most relevant assessment tool. Selected SMEs were able to evaluate their readiness to adopt AI technologies in their transformation strategy, thus increasing the likelihood of an adequate return on investment, SMEs improved their awareness of AI technologies, their benefits but more importantly the requirements to deploy these technologies successfullys.
List Title
Identification of 11 AI maturity assessment tools available in french language for SMEs.
Link with WP6 experiment X-MUC-1: Quick Check – Maturity Assessments conducted by Fortiss – Munich Innovation Hub for applied AI.
Interview with Ms. Caroline Chopinaud, Hub France IA General Director, in April 2023 about the results of an experiment conducted by Hub France IA in 2022 with SMEs from the “PackIA” programme, in the framework of the GPAI (Global Partnership on AI).